Integrity and responsibility

Good reputation and credibility are the result of daily actions.

Reframax’s Code of Ethics and Conduct is based on our values and principles, guaranteeing integral and ethical treatment of all people and situations that underpin the company’s trust and credibility. We follow and orient transparency and efficiency to achieve excellent results and promote a healthy and productive working environment, respecting internal procedures, standards and applicable laws.

It is essential that everyone involved in Reframax’s activities knows and is committed to complying with our code. By adopting its practices, we avoid legal, ethical or conduct violations, preserving our integrity and reputation

Achieving the best results

Ethics will always survive time

Ethics and good conduct are fundamental to building
trust, respect and a lasting reputation. They
transcend time, and guarantee solid and successful
relationships in all aspects of business.

Principais objetivos

Promoting integrity and transparency in all the company's activities.

Ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations and ethical standards.

Setting standards of ethical behavior for all employees and stakeholders.

Protecting the company's reputation and credibility.

Fostering an inclusive and respectful working environment.

Provide guidelines for dealing with complex ethical situations and making responsible decisions.

Understand how important rules and regulations are to Reframax by downloading our complete manual.